2025 NHD-CA Historical Paper Contest
Registration and submission of all historical papers will follow a different format from other categories. Historical papers will not compete at county contests. Instead, papers will be directly submitted to the state Historical Paper Contest.
Each school will be allowed to submit up to 3 papers. Please complete the School Participation Form below to let us know your school plans to participate.

2024-25 Timeline
December 20th
January 17th
Registration Opens
February 12th
Registration Closes
February 12th
Papers Uploaded
March 25th
Finalists Announced
April 7th
Deadline for Finalists to register for NHD-CA State Contest
April 16th
Submit Revised Paper for
May 1st – 4th
NHD-CA Contest at Sac State
Registered Finalist Student Interviews

Sacramento County Office of Education
P.O. Box 269003
Sacramento, CA 95826
Contact Us