Students - Make it Yours
One of the great things about History Day is that YOU GET TO CHOOSE your topic and you have many choices regarding the type of entry (category) you build that best fits your personal talents and skills. It’s important to keep in mind that every category will involve a lot of writing and research. The History Day California categories include:
- Documentary
- Exhibit
- Historical Paper
- Performance
- Podcast
- Poster
- Website

History Day: Make Your Choice
Leave your textbook behind!
History Day students engage in the same type of research and analysis that historians do. Make it yours! Your project will reflect your choices of what to research, how and where to find good sources, how and why the topic connects to the annual theme, and why the topic is significant. At the end of your HIstory Day project, you will have the opportunity to present your conclusions and teach others about your topic.
of students said participating in History Day made them much more ready for college!
of students would recommend that other students participate in History Day
Make It Yours: Project Steps
History Day is a large project you will work on for many weeks. This page is full of resources to help you throughout the History Day research and project building process. The process involves:
- Learn about the theme
- Choose a research topic
- Research your topic
- Analyze & evaluate your resources/evidence
- Write a historical argument (thesis)
- Select an entry category
- Create your project
- Write your Bibliography & Process Paper

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P.O. Box 269003
Sacramento, CA 95826
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