Teachers – Make it Happen
California teachers in grades 4 - 12 are invited to participate in History Day by offering NHD as an historical inquiry classroom project or working with students in clubs and after school programs.
Whether you work in a public or private school, homeschool, or virtual setting, History Day uses an inquiry-based model of instruction that can be adapted to a variety of classroom settings and differentiated to accommodate learning needs.

Engage Students While Meeting Standards
History Day is a performance-based academic endeavor that fully aligns to the state Social Studies and English-Language Arts standards. History Day provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate their abilities to apply learned information through authentic assessment in student-outcome products and can easily be integrated into the everyday classroom curriculum.
National History Day’s inquiry-based student centered program brings project based learning to the History-Social Studies classroom, fostering critical thinking with authentic research and historical inquiry skills. At its core, History Day is about student choice and voice. Students choose their research topic, they drive their research, and they choose their project format.
Download: National History Day and the Common Core State Standards: Connections & Correlations
Teacher Resource Hub
Get to Know History Day
- Watch this Intro video
- Read the Contest Rule Book
- Learn about this year's Theme and Topic Selection
- Look at Categories and Sample Projects
Connect & Learn More
- Contact your local county coordinator to sign up
- Find a workshops in your area to attend
- Watch the Make It! Webinar Series
Create Your NHD Plan
- Create a Game Plan to think about how you will implement NHD.
- Build your History Day timeline using these resources:
- See sample timeline below
- Additional resources in the Toolkit
Teacher Toolkit
Use the California Teacher Toolkit to access:
- Planning documents
- Curricular and skills-based strategies
- Best practices for implementation
- Assessment, revision & rubics
History Day Timeline

Sacramento County Office of Education
P.O. Box 269003
Sacramento, CA 95826
Contact Us