NHD-CA State Contest – Teacher Registration
To register, you’ll complete an online form that you can access by clicking on the NHD-CA TEACHER Registration link below.
Before you begin:
- All teachers must register, whether or not they are attending.
- All project entries MUST have a registered teacher associated with the entry.
- Teachers are not required to attend.
- Only those teachers who indicate attendance and submit payment will receive a name badge, t-shirt, and printed program.
- Cost to attend: $30.00/teacher
To Begin, click on the button below:
Paying for Students
If your school, district, county, or any other organization will be paying for students from your school to participate in the NHD-CA contest, please submit the Agency Payment Form to let us know the name of the agency as well as the names of the students and teachers.
This form is due to NHD-CA by Monday, March 25, 2024

Sacramento County Office of Education
P.O. Box 269003
Sacramento, CA 95826
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