Sample Projects


David E. Pesonen: The Battle for Bodega Head
Senior Division - Individual Exhibit
2015 National Champion
Stacey Olson
Theme: Leadership & Legacy in History


Let Them In: The Ghost of The Chinese Exclusion Act
Senior Division - Group Documentary
2022 Champion
Charity Fan, Zoe Kwong
Theme: Debate & Diplomacy in History: Successes, Failures, Consequences

Leo B. Hart and the Children of the Dustbowl: Breaking Educational and Social Barriers
Junior Division - Group Documentary
2020 State Champion
Matthew Fan, Thomas Wilson
Theme: Breaking Barriers in History

Birmingham 1963...A Year of Triumphs and Tragedies
Senior Division - Individual Documentary
2019 Champion
Rafael Ibarra
Theme:  Triumph & Tragedy In History

Motown Records: Pioneering Black Music Representation on the Billboard Charts
Junior Division - Individual Documentary
2023 State Runner-Up
Hailey Brennan
Theme: Frontiers in History: People, Places, Ideas

Historical Papers

The Tinsley Voluntary Transfer Program: How a Decade of Courtroom Debate Resulted in a Compromise to Desegregate MidPeninsula Schools
Senior Division - Historical Paper
2022 State Champion
Cheryl Chen
Theme: Debate & Diplomacy in History: Successes, Failures, Consequences

The Cod Wars: Iceland’s Victory Through Diplomacy and the Global Consequences of Their Success
Junior Division - Historical Paper
2022 State Champion
Alexander Miller
Theme: Debate & Diplomacy in History: Successes, Failures, Consequences


Not Quite White: Pioneer Thind Navigates Racism in the Immigration Frontier
Senior Division - Group Performance
2023 State Champion
Supriti Bhopale, Sushant Bhopale
Theme: Frontiers in History: People, Places, Ideas

The Scopes Monkey Trial: Turning Point for Voices, Values, and Public Opinion
Junior Division - Group Performance
2024 State Champions
Serina Cabrera, Xavier Carrillo, Kimiko Kitayama, Julio Zelaya
Theme: Turning Points in History


The Munich Massacre: How Failed Diplomacy Fueled the Arab-Isreali Conflict
Elementary Division - Individual Podcast
2022 State Champion
Soren Qualls
Theme: Debate & Diplomacy in History: Successes, Failures, Consequences

Retribution vs. Reform: The Debate Over the Juvenile Justice System
Junior Division - Group Podcast
2022 State Champion
Danni Brasher, Chloe Chun
Theme: Debate & Diplomacy in History: Successes, Failures, Consequences


What's In Your Backyard? Love Canal Launches the Environmental Health Movement
Elementary Division - Individual Poster
2019 State Champion
Cal Faircloth
Theme: Triumph & Tragedy in History

John Muir: Breaking the Barrier Between Humankind and Nature
Elementary Division - Group Poster
2020 County Champion
Amy Guo, Natalie Chan, Sarah Gomez, Sophie Wang
Theme: Breaking Barriers in History


We recommend viewing websites on a computer. 

Separate but Equal: Brown v. Board of Education and the Desegregation Debate
Senior Division - Group Website
2022 National Finalist
Stuthi Kandula, Adviti Aleti
Theme: Debate & Diplomacy in History: Successes, Failures, Consequences

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Sacramento County Office of Education

P.O. Box 269003
Sacramento, CA 95826

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