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Teacher Toolkit TEST1

New wpDataTable

wdt_ID Category Resource Resource Type Grade/Grade Span Link
1 Teacher Planning CA H/SS Framework web page All grades https://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/hs/cf/hssframework.asp
2 Teacher Planning NHD-CA Framework Alignment PDF All grades https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/California-History-Day-Standards-Alignment.pdf
3 Teacher Planning NHD-CA & The CA HSS Framework PDF High School https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/HSS-Framework-NEW-2023.pdf
4 Introducing Project Based Learning Through History Day Sample Projects web page Elementary https://www.nhdca.org/sample-projects/
5 Introducing Project Based Learning Through History Day History Day California Rules web page Elementary https://www.nhdca.org/contest-rules/
6 Introducing Project Based Learning Through History Day Inquiry Through History Day: Student Learning Targets? PDF All grades https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Inquiry-Through-History-Day-Student-Learning-Targets.pdf
7 Theme & Topic CA Theme Narrative 9th-12th Grade PDF High School https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/CA-Theme-Narrative-2024-9-12.pdf
8 Theme & Topic Narrowing Your Topic - Teacher Version PDF All grades https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Narrowing-Your-Topic-Teacher.pdf
9 Research Source Mining PDF High School https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Source-Mining.pdf
10 Research Secondary & Tertiary Sources, 4th - 5th Grade PDF Elementary https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Secondary-Tertiary-Sources-4th-5th.pdf
11 Research Secondary & Tertiary Sources, 6th - 12th Grade PDF All grades https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Secondary-Tertiary-Sources-6th-12th.pdf

Teacher Toolkit V2

wdt_ID Category Resource Grade/Grade Spans Link Resource Type Test
1 Teacher Planning https://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/hs/cf/hssframework.asp web page
2 Teacher Planning NHD-CA Framework Alignment https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/California-History-Day-Standards-Alignment.pdf PDF
3 Teacher Planning NHD-CA & The CA HSS Framework https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/HSS-Framework-NEW-2023.pdf PDF
4 Teacher Planning NHD Framework Connection
5 Teacher Planning Inquiry Through History Day: Student Learning Targets https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Inquiry-Through-History-Day-Student-Learning-Targets.pdf PDF
6 Teacher Planning Make It - Teacher Timeline https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Make-It-Teacher-Timeline.pdf PDF
7 Teacher Planning Make It Happen - Game Plan for Success https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Make-It-Happen-Game-Plan-for-Success.pdf PDF
8 Teacher Planning Make It Happen - Year Long Plan https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/18.-Make-it-Happen-Yearlong-Plan.pdf PDF
9 Teacher Planning Sample 12 Week History Day Timeline https://docs.google.com/document/d/11GjAgwfo6mBVhIlAU7GIOVB79DeYmNWLkfmaUaY3YOA/copy Google Doc
10 Teacher Planning Glossary of terms
11 Teacher Planning Historical Thinking Skills Document (whitney)
12 Introducing Project Based Learning Through History Day History Day Overview Video https://youtu.be/00MNqTAQm5E You Tube
13 Introducing Project Based Learning Through History Day Explore the History Day Categories https://www.nhdca.org/categories/ web page
14 Introducing Project Based Learning Through History Day Sample Projects https://www.nhdca.org/sample-projects/ web page
15 Introducing Project Based Learning Through History Day History Day California Rules https://www.nhdca.org/contest-rules/ web page
16 Introducing Project Based Learning Through History Day Inquiry Through History Day: Student Learning Targets? https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Inquiry-Through-History-Day-Student-Learning-Targets.pdf PDF
17 Introducing Project Based Learning Through History Day Garbology Slides https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/0B9zx575Ld1ACWmtfV1BPVFV4dHc/copy Google Slides
18 Introducing Project Based Learning Through History Day Garbology Inquiry Activity https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Garbology-Inquiry-Activity.pdf PDF
19 Introducing Project Based Learning Through History Day Garbology Teacher Article https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/From-Corn-Chips-to-Garbology.pdf PDF
20 Introducing Project Based Learning Through History Day Lunchroom Fight
21 Theme & Topic All theme links
22 Theme & Topic Turning Points Activity https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Turning-Points-Activity.pdf PDF
23 Theme & Topic Understanding Change as Progress & Decline: Timeline Activity https://docs.google.com/document/d/1887NWy5Tr-Xt2L6CEze-E4SNDiE_jtnMS8kHSJ11Jro/copy Google Doc
24 Theme & Topic CA Theme Narrative 4th-5th Grade https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/CA-Theme-Narrative-2024-4-5.pdf PDF
25 Theme & Topic CA Theme Narrative 6th-8th Grade https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Turning-Points-Activity.pdf PDF
26 Theme & Topic CA Theme Narrative 9th-12th Grade https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/CA-Theme-Narrative-2024-9-12.pdf PDF
27 Theme & Topic Narrowing Your Topic - Teacher Version https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Narrowing-Your-Topic-Teacher.pdf PDF
28 Theme & Topic Narrowing Your Topic - Student Version https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Narrowing-Your-Topic-Student.pdf PDF
29 Theme & Topic Roadmap to Research - Topic Selection (3)
30 Theme & Topic Roadmap to Research - Initial Inquiry (2)
31 Theme & Topic Modern to Past & National Local (rework)
32 Theme & Topic Topic Evaluator / Initial research (rework)
33 Theme & Topic Topic Selection Packet (Annie’s Doc - #8)
34 Research Research Construction & Peer Feedback https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nU3LUfG19O-YW4XJmbuqwm_8df3pVjtrr0MOCN1n7lY/copy Google Doc
35 Research Research Construction & Peer Feedback https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Research-Question-Construction-and-Peer-Feedback-1.pdf PDF
36 Research History Day Research Calibration Chart (#13)
37 Research Secondary Source Research & How to Use Noodle Tools https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aGy3iPDTwrOwXhvRS9quhLWb1sXYJZqczhZgwRe7p7Y/copy Google Doc
38 Research Brainstorming Research Questions (3 versions)
39 Research Revisit Your Research Questions - (6-12th grade)
40 Research Crafting the Research Question with sentence/question ideas
41 Research Google Search Tips https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Google-Search-Tips-.pdf PDF
42 Research Wonder Sentence Prompts New
43 Research Source Mining https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Source-Mining.pdf PDF
44 Research Secondary & Tertiary Sources, 4th - 5th Grade https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Secondary-Tertiary-Sources-4th-5th.pdf PDF
45 Research Secondary & Tertiary Sources, 6th - 12th Grade https://www.nhdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Secondary-Tertiary-Sources-6th-12th.pdf PDF
46 Research Primary Sources
47 Research Secondary Sources
48 Research Tertiary Sources
49 Research Ask a Better Question (rework)
50 Research Stepping Stone Resources (rework - more teacher ready)
51 Research Wonder Sentence Prompts (develop intro - how to use)
52 Research Initial Research (level)
53 Research Advanced Research (level)
54 Writing Claims Roadmap to Thesis
55 Writing Claims Writing History Day Claims https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hhLPBbfU94e4vhQ6LTJIqZ70tya6kYy5HRLAiEqD2BU/copy Google Doc
56 Writing Claims Thesis Statement Construction https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wPxODdbfeHNXptQyaA6rn0or5KW1TD9sEjomGjDhN34/copy Google Doc
57 Writing Claims Thesis Statement Slide Presentation https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12IiWjbRZzpR0ow214l4gA_0GxsD6wx1SiYJftPjFdGI/copy Google Slides
58 Writing Claims Stronger & Clearer: Thesis Statement Analysis https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Uwt2dZWg3ouzuV7o6XDOtvuV1gjeKZAqnJzmmHMGV0w/copy Google Doc
59 Working with Evidence Sourcing Explained with SOAPA Example https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r2YOqNr8GV7Z3MntGI4EfilH3nOhnnZZ944DwNS9_yA/edit?usp=sharing Google Doc
60 Analysis Placeholder 3
61 Writing for NHD Placeholder 4
62 Project Organization & Creation Placeholder 5
63 Required Elements Placeholder 1
64 Evaluation & Revision Placeholder 2

Teacher Planning

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